Sunday 28 December 2014

Full of promise

Hello all!
I hope you have all enjoyed a wonderful Christmas and you're all looking forward to New Year...

I love New Year.
Not the party side...we never do that. But the anticipation of things to come.
To me, New Year brings so much possibility and excitement; wonder, even.

Like my blooming Hyacinths (above),  there is so much promise of times to come.
Its a wonderful time to reflect on what has been and what you wish might occur in the future.

I've had an unbelievable year.
We bought our own home, for one thing. That was something I thought would never happen (or at least for another 10 years or so!). My sister has remarried, I have a new best friend whom I feel like I've known all my life, my health is still great and although we nearly lost my mum this year, she is getting much better now.

I love the concept of New Year Resolutions.
Last year, they were to Lose weight, get organised, Learn to knit socks, learn to cable knit and knit an adult item of clothing.
It does make me chuckle that only my knitting resolutions got fulfilled!

I have some more/new ones for 2015:

1. Take up Yoga (the idea of relaxation/lots of stretching/not sweating involved very much appeals to me!)

2. Be healthier (Not Losing weight, but just be healthier inside)

3. Try to be more organised (yep, that old chestnut again!)

4. Knit more socks/get more sock yarn

5. Make a left-over sock yarn blanket with left over sock yarn!

6. Keep a diary...of sorts. (I figured if I physically write stuff down on a daily/weekly basis that I might stick to things! - I will always have this blog, but there will be somethings you lot just wont want to know!)

7. Grow things. (Whether it be veg, flowers or even fruit; I want it to be home grown!)

....Blimey...that's a list and a half!
Well, here's to the New year and all its possibilities!

That's all for now. Until next time, you take care now x


  1. Sounds like some good resolutions :) Love your hyacinths, need to get some for our house at some point but will probably wait until the Christmas decorations are down (New Years day, can't wait!).

    We don't do New Year's parties either but there is something nice about the idea of making resolutions and looking forward to what the next year has to come. I've got a few resolution ideas I'm thinking of at the moment, just need to find time to get them written down lol

  2. I'm not good with plants so I think one of my New Year's resolutions will be to learn more and become better with looking after plants and flowers!..We don't do New Year's parties either. I prefer to stay at home and celebrate a little bit and watch all the fireworks display on the telly....I hope 2015 will be full of happy things for you and your family. Have a very happy New Year!!!

  3. That's quite a list of resolutions - yes love the knitting theme in many of them! Happy New Year
    Caz xx

  4. That's a great list - some good items on there!
    Thanks for your comment on my blog - I'm glad I've inspired! :)
    Maria x

  5. Beautiful flowers!! I love having them in the potted in the house. We have some kalanchoes that are just about ready to bloom! They have little yellow flowers and will be so cheery. Your list is excellent! They all seem like good things :)


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