Friday 12 September 2014

Let's go on a nature hunt!

Little Miss doesn't return to Nursery until this coming Monday, so I've been trying to balance my days between getting back into the school-run routine with Little man and completing house hold chores (and a little bit of knitting/crochet thrown in!) with playing and entertaining her.

She is a natural at self-play, and is a joy to watch as she makes up whole games for her toys and uses different voices for all of them.

This morning however, I needed to get out!
Across the road from us there is a stretch of woodland, which breaks up our estate. The children affectionately refer to is as "The Jungle".
With a small bag to collect any treasures found, a very excited Little Miss and I made our way up the hill towards the trees...

 and we found ourselves surrounded by glorious woodland...

Instantly there were things to find...berries and beautifully constructed webs...(I used to be scared of these as a child but appreciate their delicacy and technicality as an adult)...

and a solitary Comma butterfly, whom I'm sure was just posing!...

Blossoms on the black berry bushes and Hedge Bindweed

Little Miss was very happy to find a Dandelion flower and thrilled to discover two Magpie feathers. We have a Magpie that keeps coming to our bird table to steal all the mealworms - although I'm sure its not the same one all the time, the children recognise "him" and refer to him as "Mr Greedy"!

We followed several little trails to see where they led. It would appear there are others whoms homes back onto this lovely woodland who are keen to leave bits out for the wildlife, whether its a man-made home or some water...

I hoped these little trails, which looked like they may have been made by hedgehogs, might lead us to find one....

Unfortunately, the only one we found, once at the top of the woodland and in the clearing, were the remains of one poor soul...

Although it was very sweet when Little Miss declaired "Oh no Mummy! He is broken! He must be in Heaven now!" Bless.

So after a quick spot of hide-and-seek...

(Honestly, she couldn't understand why I was laughing so much!)

...We came back home and made a collage of all she had found...

Happy days! Now time for a spot of lunch!
Thank you for taking the time to get through all that!

Thats all for now. Until next time, you take care now x


  1. What a lovely, lovely nature walk with your Little Miss. My girls like to pick flowers and bird feathers too . Maybe next time we'll make a collage with them like you've done with your little collection. The hide and seek photo made me laugh because that's exactly how Lulu hides. Sometimes she's actually well hidden but then jumps out and shouts 'I'm here!' when I'm nearby. x

  2. Your daughter's face in the first photo of her is such a picture - what a cutie! And I love the nature walk and collage once back home - you don;t need to go far or spend lots of money to entertain chidlren. Thanks for sharing
    Caz xx


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